Fuzzybrain? Improve your attention span - A Paraphrase

Watching teleserye, listening to rap lyrics trying to catch every word of it or doing something that challenges you like learning some new dance moves, those are situations where we actually and accidentally give our attention or rather where we concentrate. Concentration takes place when the human brain's "prefrontal cortex", that has the function to manipulate "high-level cognitive tasks", is then flooded with a seemingly exact amount of "neurotransmitters, hormones and other body chemicals, particularly dopamine." Dopamine is usually released when eating delightful treats, having sexual intercourse or simply facing something new and exciting.

Fuzzy brain? Improve your attention span.  (2008, November 14). CNN Health. Retrieved from http://articles.cnn.com/2008-11-14/health/rs.increase.your.attention.span_1_dopamine-prefrontal-cortex-concentration?_s=PM:HEALTH


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