Conceptual Framework - Second Draft

We are undeniably in the era of great innovations, where everything we do becomes easy; everything we want becomes real; everything we need becomes ours in a bit. Since there are a lot of media devices nowadays, it might be better if we focus on the most accessible and frequently used device which is the computer. Based on observations, computers are mostly used in school, such as, people who surfs the net inside the school, those who have subjects that needs the usage of computers and many more. Computers are mostly used in their homes both for academic and personal use. The usage of computers in any location will then correlate with duration of the student’s usage of the computer which has been stated in the Recency Effect Theory. The duration of computer usage will then affect the retention ability of the students.
            Based on the Retention Ability Theory there are about 10 factors that can affect the student’s retention and the proponents have chosen two which is the teacher and the student’s environment. Teachers are the ones who mold the minds of the students, who teach the student’s the things that they should know about school, and the teachers are also the one who conducts the exam to the students. The teacher’s role is indeed important to the student’s ability to retain. Next is the environment which includes: school facilities, ventilation and other stuffs concerning the school. The proponents have also thought that the topic of the lesson might just as well be included.
            Figure 2 on the next page illustrates the aforementioned flow of the fundamental concepts of the study, as based on the proponents’ understandings in the course of the research.


  1. may i know the title of this conceptual framework that you used ? thanks



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