Paraphrasing Assignment in Comm 2

1. Freeman(2011) says that in our world, succession of time is expected to be an expression of this "higher form". As time passes, we notice our hearts beat, lungs take air in and out of its system, energy expands and contracts rhythmically into waves, particles waver between conflicting states of being negative or positive, and so as everything that exists "continually oscillates between a state of being and not-being." Time "precedes" the so called "oscillation". These examples of continuous "positive/negative oscillation of creative energy" that makes the world go round, is referred to as "ratzo v' shov" which is the same time the description of tome in Chassidism.

2. Why does "creation" requires the concept of "ratzo v' shov"? As what Freeman (2011) answered, based on Chassidism: In order for an object to be completely labelled as existing, it must both be maintained by the decree of its "Creator", and on the other hand, it must also make itself feel unique and it also has to have its own distinct existence, these stated ideas can be seen in "ratzo v' shov" an object created by man that contains these two conflicting relationship, furthermore, this said artifact serves as the link between "creative force" and the "created being". Mendel, R. M. (1789-1866) stated that Time serves as the link between the "cosmic soul" and "space". Time is indeed the gradual change of "being", in contrary to the content of "being" itself.


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