Retention Ability Test - Social Networking

Respondent No.: ____              Time Interval: 1 Day                   Topic: Social Networking           Score: ______

1. _____ let users post articles or posts (referred to as “news”) to newsgroups. Group sites such as Google Groups and Yahoo! Groups use many of the conventions established by the original systems of this type.
                ○ Usernets                          ○ Internet                           ○ BBS                                     ○ Websites

2. _____ were the first type of sites that allowed users to log on and interact with one another, albeit in a much slower fashion than we currently do.
                ○ Usernets                          ○ Internet                           ○ BBS                                     ○ Friendster

3. ______ is the father of instant messaging as we know it today. 
                ○ Internet Relay Chat    
                ○ International Comet Quarterly              
                ○ Intercontinental Rally Challenge
                ○ Internet Reading Champion
4. Sometimes considered as the first social network even if it’s not.
                ○ Forums                             ○ Dating Sites                     ○ BBS                                     ○ Six Degrees

5. The first modern social network.
                ○ Forums                             ○ Dating Sites                     ○ BBS                                     ○ Six Degrees

6. ___________encouraged its users to follow one another and to create groups and otherwise interact. It was really the precursor to the live updates we see in social networks currently. LiveJournal
                ○ Facebook                         ○ LiveJournal                      ○ AsianAvenue                 ○ BlackPlanet

7. MMORPGS (Massively multiplayer online role-playing games) have become social networks in their own right. The most famous of these is_____________, where players interact both in the game world and on related forums and community sites.
            ○ World of Warcraft        ○ DOTA                                 ○ Crossfire                          ○ Tetris

8. ________________ was really the first modern, general social network.
                ○ LinkedIn                           ○ Friendster                       ○ Facebook                         ○ Multiply

9. _______________ was one of the first mainstream social networks devoted to business.
                ○ LinkedIn                           ○ Friendster                       ○ Facebook                         ○ Multiply

10. In 2008 _____________ became the most popular social networking site, surpassing MySpace, and continues to grow.
                ○ LinkedIn                           ○ Friendster                       ○ Facebook                         ○ Multiply


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