Statement of the Problem and Sources - Final Draft

The Effects of the Number of Hours of Computer Usage on the Retention Ability of
UP Students
Mark Anthony A. Cabanlit
Angeli E. Macopia
University of the Philippines – Cebu College

Statement of the Problem

             The study aims to determine if the number of hours spent in using the computer affects the degree of retention or the ability to recall what has been learned from class lectures of selected second year Computer Science and Political Science students A.Y. 2011-2012.
                     Specifically, this study aims to:

1. How often in one day does the respondent use the computer in the following locations?
            a. School
            b. Home
2. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of academic capability during the previous semester?
            a. General Weighted Average  
            b. Grades on Major Subjects (e.g. CMSC11, CMSC21)
3. What are the fields of interests of the respondent that may affect or determine his retention ability?
4. What is the relationship between retention and number of hours of computer usage?
5. What other factors that may/might affect the respondent’s level of retention?
            a. Teacher
            b. Environment
            c. Topic         
Research Paper
Printed Research Paper
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Online Research Paper
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Printed Books
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Electronic Books
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Printed Journals
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Online Journals
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Online Newspapers
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Electronic Magazines
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Online Articles
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