Methodology - First Draft


Research Design
            This study adopted both the survey research design and interview research design. This design used survey questionnaires that will somehow serve as a journal where respondents will record every instance when they use their computers. Another survey which are quiz-type questionnaires are distributed to the respondents. The study’s main objective will be to determine the relationship between the number of hours of computer usage and retention ability of selected University of the Philippines Cebu students. This study also aimed to identify the other factors which have possibly influenced the student’s retention ability.

Respondents and Locale of the Study
            The respondents were 20 students with 10 students from Block A and 10 students from Block B of the whole population of the second year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. The study will not regard the respondent’s gender as long as the respondent uses computers frequently and is a student of the University of the Philippines who is currently taking CMSC 22 – Object Oriented Programming and CMSC 123 – Data Structures and Algorithms classes.

Sampling Procedure
            A non-probability purposive sampling technique was utilized in this study. This study used non-probability sampling procedure because allows freedom of the researcher to conveniently decide which sample he/she would like to participate in the study. This study specifically uses purposive sampling on which, students who meet the purpose of the research becomes a respondent. The researchers would only choose 10 from each of the two blocks of second year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students.

Research Instrument
            In order to determine the number of hours of computer usage of the different respondents, a journal-type questionnaire will be given to each one of them. This questionnaire was divided into two parts: personal information which mainly includes the question about the number of years since the respondent has used a computer, then the second part will contain a table on which the respondents are to record every single time that they use the computers. This questionnaire will be with respondent with a week for the study to have a precise measurement on the respondent’s frequency of computer usage.
            Another questionnaire will be given during the second week which actually tackles the topic that they have discussed during the class discussion; this questionnaire will be given in varied durations (10 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day), for every Computer Science subject that they took during the day.
Data Collection
            Each of the purposively selected respondents was given questionnaires which they were tasked to fill up and to provide with very accurate information.
Having gathered all the necessary data, the researchers correlated the results according to the relationship of the number of hours of computer usage in one week and the results in the exams given after the respondent’s class lecture.

Data Analysis
            In order to conclude the weight of the number of hours of computer usage within a week to retention ability towards class discussion of second year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students from the University of the Philippines Cebu, the answers in the questionnaires were tabulated analyzed and correlated. A comprehensive system for analyzing data, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test was used so that the proponents will know if there is a significant difference between the two different variables.


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