

Research Paper
Printed Research Paper
Aborque, A., Blasca, R., & Gonzales, M.J. (2004). Attitude and dependency level towards the internet of Mass Communication and Computer Engineering students in Cebu. University of the Philippines – Cebu College.
Quijano, M. (2000). The use of internet and its influence in the social and mass media behaviors of selected high school and college students of Cebu City. University of the Philippines – Cebu College.
Online Research Paper
Fairlie, R. (2003). The effects of home computers on school enrollment. University of California at Santa Cruz. Retrieved from
Mascareigne, J.( 2009) Customer retention – Case studies of agencies in the professional service sector. Luleȧ University of Technology. Retrieved from
The effects of computers on workplace stress, job security and work interest in Canada. (2002). Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. Retrieved from

Printed Books
Bartlett, F. (1967). Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology. Cambridge: The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press.
Klatzky, R. (1975). Human memory: Structures and Processes. United States of America: W. H. Freeman and Company
Russell, R. (1959) Brain ·Memory Learning. London: Oxford University Press
Electronic Books
Crosling, G.M., Thomas, E., & Heagney, M. (2008). Improving student retention in higher education: the role of teaching and learning. United States of America: Routledge. Retrieved from
Jeffreys, M. (2004). Nursing student retention: understanding the process and making a difference. United States of America: Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group. Retrieved from

Printed Journals
Gravoso, S., Pasa, A., Labra, J., & Mari, T. (2001). Transmitting information or engaging in problem exploration? An examination of the effects of educational media designs on student’s learning outcomes. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 34(2), pp. 145-161.
Online Journals
Chianson, M.M, * Kurumeh, M.S & Obida, J.A. (2010). Effect of cooperative learning strategy on students’ retention in circle geometry in secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria. American Journal Of Scientific And Industrial Research. Retrieved from
Karemera, D., Reuben, L., & Silliah, M. (2003). The effects of academic environment and background characteristics on student satisfaction and performance: the case of South Carolina State University's School of Business. College Student Journal. Retrieved from;content
Keil, J., Robst, J., &Russo, D. (1996). The effect of gender composition of faculty on student retention. ScienceDirect.  Available at
Online Newspapers
Elias, M. (2005, March 30). So much media, so little attention span. USA Today. Retrieved from 
Fuzzy brain? Improve your attention span.  (2008, November 14). CNN Health. Retrieved from
How TV can ‘rewire’ brains of tiny tots.  (2004, April 18). The Washington Times. Retrieved from
Electronic Magazines
Carr, N. (2008). Is google making us stupid? Atlantic. Retrieved from
Carr, N. (2010). The web shatters focus, rewires brains. Wired. Retrieved from
Online Articles
Beckham, F.D. (2009). How to Improve Your Child's Retention Ability. Associated Content from Yahoo. Retrieved from
Greenfield, B.S. (2009). How computers can harm your children's future... by damaging their brains. Mail Online. Retrieved from
Kalish, A. & Middendorf , J. (1996). The "Change-Up" in Lectures. The National Teaching and Learning Forum. Retrieved from
Martinez, Paul (2001). Improving student retention and achievement: What do we know and what do we need to find out? University of Ulster Website. Retrieved from
Stephanie (2011). Green Schools Provide Better Learning Environment for Students. Peachy Green. Retrieved from
Student Retention Theory (nd) Retrieved from


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