Chapter 6 - Second Draft


Summary of Findings
            The objective of conducting this study was to determine if the number of hours spent in using the computer affects the degree of retention or the ability to recall what has been learned from class lectures of selected second year Computer Science A.Y. 2011-2012. In order to obtain this, a survey was conducted to 10 selected second year Computer Science students.
            The summary of findings is as follows:
1.    Early signs of retention problems cannot be seen by evaluating grades in CMSC 11 and CMSC 21 of the students. The p value of 0.6126 is a proof that the difference between the two is not statistically significant.
2.    Number of years since the first use of computer was theoretically insignificant since symptoms of brain altering can be shown in age 7 but during that age, the respondents were just starting to use computers. It is also statistically insignificant since it yield a Pearson Product-Moment Correlation value of 0.015813339 which is already very close to zero.
3.    The average respondent would consume 4.5217 hours of computer usage at home while 1.5557 hours at school. Respondent who use their computers at home have lesser retention ability as compared to  those who use it in school.
4.    Correlation between retention ability and time elapsed is high negative. A Pearson Product-Moment Correlation value of -0.995174055 proved that the greater the time will be, the lesser the retention ability of the student will be.
5.    A correlation value of -0.77664286 was calculated which proved that the greater the number of hours of computer usage, the lesser the retention ability of the respondent will be.
6.    The student’s teacher, environment and the topic of the lesson are indeed significant factors in determining the retention ability of the students. The teacher and the topic’s Pearson Product-Moment Correlation resulted to a positive correlation which means that the more comfortable the student is to the teacher or the topic, the greater will be the retention

            The study was designed to determine if the number of hours spent in using the computer affects the degree of retention or the ability to recall what has been learned from class lectures of selected second year Computer Science A.Y. 2011-2012.
             Based on the results, there is indeed an inverse relationship between the number of hours of computer usage and the retention ability of the students. The more the respondents use their computers in either at home or at school, the lesser their retention ability level has been.
            The results were exactly what were expected by the researchers. A greater amount of computer usage would lead to lower memory retention.

            This study has its limitations due to certain circumstances that we cannot avoid so here are the recommendations that may aid future researchers in conducting another study which is somehow similar to this research.
1.    The study is limited to 10 respondents only. This 10 people might not be a perfect mixture of all the computer science students making the study somehow biased. I recommend that the next researchers shall choose their proponents properly if they are to choose this type of study.
2.    Some respondent most especially in Group B have higher academic capability as compared to Group A, this situation might cause unfairness to the results. The future researchers shall avoid giving bias or maybe screen their respondents so that lapses in the study will be avoided.
3.    Future researchers shall schedule and make proper appointments in the making of this study especially in the experiment week so that data can be treated properly.
4.    The proponents have used online calculators for the T-test and Microsoft Office Excel for Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. It would have been better if the researchers do know how the actual math works. Knowing the proper handling and manipulation of these tests might contribute to a greater understanding on the results of the study.
5.    Future researchers who are given the luxury of time and money shall involve not just students as respondents. The study might have given a greater impact if it would be conducted to Filipino children from 1 – 3 years old who are also frequent users of these media devices today.
6.    The respondents have only conducted simulated class lectures. It would be better that for future improvements of this study that the future researchers shall observe actual class lectures.
7.    Number of hours spent in using the computer might not have been that accurate since it was just tallied and written by the respondents themselves. It would be better that future researchers shall create a program that will simply jot down every time the respondent uses his/her personal computer/laptop.
8.    There are already tons of media devices that are available today. It might be great if future researchers would include these technologies. Old media can also be studied such as television and cellphones but it would be much better if we will focus on higher innovations such as tablets and smartphones.
9.    Future researchers shall give focus to “fast-paced photographic images” that can modify customary brain improvement. Since the researchers haven’t tackled much on the scientific realms of the study.
10. Due to the fact that the study was conducted a week before finals week, some respondents weren’t able to play DOTA even if they were avid gamers. This might have caused lapses on the date for computer usage. Thus, planning shall be important in the research.

11. Recently, an episode of Grey’s Anatomy stated that,
“There are distinct differences between male and female brains. Female brains have a larger hippocampus which usually makes them better at retention and memory. Male brains have a bigger parietal cortex which helps when fending off an attack. Male brains confront challenges differently from female brains. Woman are hard-wired to communicate with language, detail, empathy. Men? Not so much. It doesn’t mean we are any less capable of emotion. We can talk about our feelings…it’s just that… most of the time.. we really rather not.” - The Men of Grey's Anatomy S08E04

Other researchers might also want to include sex in determining their respondents.


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