Hacker Culture

Which were the coolest hacks for you?

Because I want to be a pop star someday and having cool effects on concerts would be amazing, then Graffiti would be the right one for me.

If we are just gonna be talking about SWAG, well this one shall win. I can’t imagine how great would music be if everyone can like play with anytime anywhere with just nothing but air and also kinect.

The best of them was of course, Mr. Johnny Lee because his hacks have great usage on academic stuff and I am like so excited that one day would come that we would have the same technology as Mr. Lee’s kinect stuff in UP Cebu. But the school must fix the computers first. 

The COOLEST for me was the PR2 Robot, because it is actually very close to the movie Surrogates. It would be cool if one day would come and we just lie on our beds but still produce money, be productive and have sex by simply using our minds. While our mind is connected to a robot/surrogate(in the case of the film), an electrical shut down will then occur and the whole street will be filled with lying lifeless bodies.

Here’s the trailer for Surrogates

Was it difficult for them to implement these? Find out.
Maybe not coz they are already pro on it.

Is doing something like this out of reach for the average undergrad CompSci student?
With proper training and discipline, I guess this one would just be a big peace of cake.

Do you have some gadget or program that you wish you had? Describe it. What current technologies could you probably put (hack) together to create something like that?
I actually wanted Johny Lee’s projector stuff, because it was like working with the speed of light. Oh well I guess I would love to have all the hacks except for boob physics. In my opinion, even if it’s funny, it actually isn’t as important as of the others.
I would like to make sunglasses that would tell me the mood of the person I see on the streets. It’s like a combination of Jonhy Lee’s TV stuff and Body Language.


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