Revolution OS: Documentary for Geeks

            Being a geek isn’t bad at all. Well in fact, it a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.) –          
            When it was announced that we are to watch a movie entitled “OS Revolution”, I actually was sort of upset. I was thinking about why would I watch such an uninteresting movie (thinking that they’re just gonna show some OS running on computers). But it wasn’t actually like that. It was more on the most influential people and so as the creators of the open source community and Linux. I cannot actually talk about the specific people behind it but all I can say is that everyone should know and thank them for what they have done.
            There was one key concept that I have kept in my mind. Open –source doesn’t actually mean that the program is free; it means that either the program ii purchased for free or not, the user will be given the source code of the program, in order for the user to have freedom to customize the program based on the conditions that best fits the user.
            The movie was actually not that geeky at all, it was a movie that I would want to show to my non-ComSci friends so that they can understand more about this Open Source movement and that they would know the reason of the existence of Open Office on Internet Cafes.


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